The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Academy

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The Philosophy of Practice Academy in Japan

The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Exhibition Hall

The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Exhibition Hall
Practice Resource Center

Opening Hours13:00~17:00 Entry to the Hall is free of charge

ClosedSundays, holidays, summer holiday, and year-end and New Year holiday

On display at the Exhibition Hall are mementos that embody gratitude toward the great fundamental principles of “A mind respecting the logic of the great nature of heaven and earth” and “Respect ancestors after one’s mind is purified”, as well as toward the discipline that proves the heartfelt teachings conveyed to our families and children. In our modern society, familial antagonism and breakdown is rampant, as is materialism that focuses on self-interest and worldly desire. It is through the Philosophy of Practice that we can recover the sense of pure sincerity and earnestness between our close relatives, and understand the importance of a principle of honesty that emphasizes the mind.

  • The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Exhibition Hall
  • The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Exhibition Hall
  • The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Exhibition Hall
  • The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Exhibition Hall

The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Resource Center

The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Resource Center
Practice Exhibition Hall

Opening Hours13:00~17:00Entry to the Hall is free of charge

ClosedSundays, holidays, summer holiday, and year-end and New Year holiday

This Resource Center is based on “Jinsei shosei jissenkun”. Kim Chang-In, a businessman, prayed for peace among families, and we are happy to offer visitors the opportunity to view the words that he wrote as a father and as a human, and to get a sense of the pure sincerity that should exist between families. We encourage you to make use of the related materials, books, and films that are available here, a place where you can realize important insights that can lead your own families toward a brighter future.

  • The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Resource Center
  • The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Resource Center
  • The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Resource Center
  • The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Resource Center