The Kim Chang-In Philosophy of Practice Academy

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A Path for Man

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A Mind Dedicated to the Human World

The company’s property, land, buildings, and bank deposits, all of them are the company’s valuable estate provided by the guidance of the profound and affluent mind, of the high and noble heaven and earth and the ancestors.

A company’s estate and assets are the property of the public provided by the profound guidance of heaven and earth and the ancestors, not the property of an individual.

Each and every person should clearly bear this fact in mind and accurately understand it.

It could even be a way to return some of the deep and precious blessings from the high and noble heaven and earth and the ancestors, mindfully and rightly, for the sake of people and the world, when a mind following rightly and truthfully to the principles and rules, the law of cause and effect, and the logic of heaven and earth is applied strictly and earnestly to the careful management of such valuable company’s property.
That is the prestigious mind that belongs to each and every person.
It is the shining precious stone and treasured asset of the world, a precious treasure-house and valuable jewel of this great earthly world.
The mind of a person is a valuable jewel that can create peace, happiness, and prosperity.

In this earthly world, the human world will benefit from the endlessly and boundlessly unfolding world with peace, happiness, and prosperity.
It is just the simple one method of using the mind and carrying out the correct conduct of the mind, following the rule of the right mind, the path to truth, and the logic of heaven and earth; and having a righteous, clear, and beautiful mind.